Business Intake Please complete the entire form. Please have all tax related documents for the year that you are filling. Business Tax Intake FormFirst NameLast NameSocial SecurityBusiness or ProfessionProfessional CodeEINBusiness NamePhone/MobileEmailAccounting Method(s) Cash Accural OtherSpecifyBusiness AddressAddress CityStateZip CodeINCOMEGross Receipts from Sales$Returns and Allowances$Other Income$Cost of Goods Sold$EXPENSESAdvertising$Pension & Profit Sharing$Contract Labor$Other Business Property$Employee Benefits$Taxes & Licenses$Mortgage$Deductible Meals & Ent.$Wages$Office Expense$Commission & Fees$Vehicles, Machinery, Equipment$Depreciation$Supplies$Interest$Travel$Legal & Professional Services$Reserves for Future Use$Vehicle Expense$Rent of Lease$Depletion$Repairs & Maintenance$Insurance$Travel, Meals, Ent.$Other$Utilities$Other Expenses$Expenses for Home ONLY:$Sq Ft of Your Home?Sq. Ft.Sq Ft of Home Business?Sq. Ft.Total Expenses$Cost of Goods SoldMethod Used to Value Closed Inventory: Cost Lower of Cost/Market Other (Attach)Was there any change in determining quantities, cost, or valuations between opening and closing inventory? Yes NoIf Yes, please explainInventory at Beginning of Year$Purchases $ Cost of Labor$Materials & Supplies$Other Costs$Total$Inventory at End of Year$Cost of Goods Sold$INFORMATION ON YOUR VEHICLEWhen did you place your vehicle in service for business purposes?Business MilesmiCommuting MilesmiOther MilesmiTotal MilesmiWas your vehicle used for personal use during off-duty hours? Yes NoDid you or your spouse have another vehicle available for personal use? Yes NoDo you have evidence to support your deduction? Yes NoIf Yes, please explainOther Expenses Not ListedPlease list any other expenses, NOT previously included in prior sections:Cell Phone$Internet$Uniforms$Other Expenses Total$If you have any concerns or special requests, briefly explain below so that we can assist you:Please signs to verify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and that you are an authorized representative of the business being reported.First NameLast NameSubmit Form